
Do Visual Pyrotechnics Scare Birds?

Birds rely on their sight more than any other sense, so it’s no surprise that our visual pyrotechnics provide great results for wildlife managers at airports, landfills, and beyond.

Here’s a look at some of our 15mm visual pyrotechnic scare cartridges:

Comet Bangers are a highly visible pyrotechnic round at close range and can be fired out of any 15mm pyrotechnic launcher. The Comet Banger cartridge creates a visible green stardust effect with additional crackling noise. After extensive testing at airfields in the Pacific Northwest, the Comet Banger has been found to be extremely successful at scaring gulls, bald eagles and other raptors. It also works well with other bird species. The green effect is easily visible in all light conditions.

Screamers with Silver Comet are highly visible scare cartridges that produce a loud screeching noise with a sparkling tracer effect. With a range of 250 – 300ft (75m – 90m), these unique pyrotechnics produce an unusual, alarming sound, resulting in an immediate fear response in birds and animals.

The Bangers with Green Trace are similar to our standard Bangers. In addition to the benefits of the standard Banger, the Banger with Green Trace adds a visual effect for increased deterrence.

Green trace burns with a bright green trace effect while traveling 75′ to 90′ and has a visual starburst on detonation along with a loud report.


Screamer (#6001) with Comet Banger (#6010): Range of 90m /300ft with 2 explosion points. Screamers have a range of 75m/250ft and the Comet Banger adds another 15m (50ft). Effects are stacked so that the audio effects of the Screamer are followed by the Comet Banger.

Range Extender Rocket (#6008) with Comet Banger (#6010): Range of 245m/800ft with 2 explosion points. The Range Extender Rocket, which can only be fired from an RG-46, travels 230m/750ft and ignites. The Comet Banger travels another 15m/50ft.


Range Extender Rocket (#6008) with Comet Banger (#6010) and Screamer (#6001): Range of 320m (1050ft) with 3 explosion points. The initial explosion of the Range Extender Rocket is at 230m/750ft, after an additional 75m/250ft the Screamer ignites and finally at the 320m/1050ft mark, the Comet Banger.

Multi-Stage Pyrotechnics are effective at preventing habituation and are perfect for use in sensitive areas, such as airports, or over large bodies of water where you can’t get close enough to the birds. Here is another example from the Sechelt Landfill, where the Range Extender Rocket and Comet Banger are used to scare some out of reach gulls.

For more information about bird control programs e-mail us at info@margosupplies.com

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